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Caring for the Growing Needs of Our Community.



Acupuncture is the process of inserting disposable thin needles to specific points
of the body
 which stimulate the brain to release natural 
“Good Vibe” chemicals
and neutralizes illness.

Acupuncture works well in conjunction with other types of healthcare. Alternative and
Western medicine are not substitutes for each other, they are complementary. Each
system of medicine has its own areas of greatest effectiveness. Whereas Western
Medicine may heroically rescue us when a crisis arises, Chinese medicine can protect
us and ward off disease by strengthening us and also helping with both recovery and
side effects of treatment. It excels in:
 Headache and Migraines,
PainTrigeminal neuralgia, Muscle pain and weakness,
Anxiety and Depression,  Backache or pain,  Sports injuries,
Fatigue and Insomnia,  Smoking addiction, Nervousness and Arthritis.

Acupuncture can decrease cravings for food, drugs and alcohol.

It can reduce withdrawal symptoms, relieve tension and help achieve deep

Most of the theory of acupuncture was developed thousands of years ago by ancient
Chinese physicians.

The central concept is that living things contain an internal life force known as 
Chi which circulates throughout the body in channels known as meridians. 
When Chi is blocked anywhere in the body, pain or dysfunction occurs.

A more scientific explanation of acupuncture is that the stimulation of certain trigger
points on the body by acupuncture needles prompts the body to release certain
hormones and chemicals that can reduce pain, regulate the endocrine system, and
calm the nervous system.

Facial Rejuvenation

 The treatment stimulates the facial area, giving your face a
visible lift and creating a radiant, healthy facial  appearance
without using surgery.

Facial rejuvenation is designed to:
–  Dramatically improve muscle tone of the face
–  Eliminate and soften lines and tension
–  Reduce puffiness around the eyes
–  Promote relaxation and well being

With the purchase of the most advanced microcurrent unit, I
have an exciting new addition to my practice: 
Face Lift
without needles

Facial Rejuvenation Without Surgery ? 
Top 7 Treatments

Cupping Massage

Cupping Massage is a technique used by alternative medicine
specialists to
 increase blood flow.

Cupping refers to an ancient traditional Chinese medicinal practice in which
a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (by using
change in heat or by suction out air), so that the skin and superficial muscle
layer is drawn into and held in the cup. In some cases, the cup may be
moved while the suction of skin is active, causing a regional pulling of the
skin and muscle (the technique is called gliding cupping).

It can help relieve pain and chronic fatigueactivate the lymphatic
system; clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the
veins, arteries and capillaries; activate the skin; clear stretch
marks and remove cellulite.  

Cupping can help relieve impotence and maintain erection,
restore sexual potential and increase male and female fertility.

Cupping draws blood to the surface area of the body where the cups are
applied. This increase blood flow relieves muscle cramping, hardening of
tissue and associated pain. Because specific reflex zones on the back,
abdomen and legs correspond to organs, cupping can be used to promote
the workings of, for example, the kidneys, gallbladder, liver or lungs.
Cupping can also mobilize the immune system.

The treatment creates
 temporary, localized bruises, which – like all bruises
– activate the body’s defensive cells to heal the bruised area, 
but they will
disappear within a week
Dry cupping is primarily used for people with a
weak constitution and low blood pressure; it is never for patients with high
blood pressure. Bloody cupping helps clear the body of accumulated irritants
that cause inflammation.


Electro-Acupuncture is the use of small electrical
currents through the acupuncture needles

It can also be employed without using needles.

 has been proven to decrease pain,
accelerate tissue healing, and significantly reduce
inflammation, edema and swelling.

Weight Loss

Americans are overweight in epidemic proportions.

How did this happen?

Americans consume large portions of the wrong kinds of foods, such as refined foods and
snacks loaded with sugar, instead of balanced meals that include good-quality proteins (fresh
meat, poultry, and seafood), fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

These poor diet choices combined with a sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain,
resulting in numerous health problems.

Follow the detoxification program and you will achieve effective, gentle, sustained weight

The ideal weight management program takes time. It needs to be 
gentle, reduce excess fat
stores, be high in fiber and low in fat, increase muscle, and ensure that the amount
of metabolic energy being used is greater than the amount of calories consumed.

All of this needs to occur without losing muscle mass, which can be maintained by consuming
vital nutrients. 
Once the ideal weight is reached, maintaining it requires that the amount of energy
expended is equal to the energy intake. 
Obtaining a proper balance is key.

Musculoskeletal conditions

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) can affect the body’s
muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Most
work-related MSDs develop over time and are caused
either by the work itself or by the employees’ working
environment. They can also result from fractures sustained
Typically, MSDs affect the 
back, neck, shoulders and
upper limbs
; less often they affect the lower limbs.

Health problems range from discomfort, minor aches and
pains, to more serious medical conditions.

Psychological Disorders

Just like a physical disease like cancer, a psychological disorder can hit 

anyone at any time in their life,
regardless of how wealthy, happy, or well-adjusted they are. It’s the luck 

of the draw – just like many things in life.

As we know, there’s a great deal of stigma attached to counseling for 

psychological disorders – or psychological
disorders in general! Mental illnesses are often embarrassing – few people 

are thrilled to tell their friends and
family they’re seeing a “shrink”!

It’s also painful to delve into the depths of your soul or apply cognitive 

behavioral theories to your life, even if the
psychological disorder can be overcome this way.

Finally, counseling for psychological disorders can be expensive; not many 

insurance providers cover the cost
easily. Overcoming the hurdles of seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist can 

be extremely valuable to your whole
self – not just your mind and emotions, or the psychological disorder.

Fortunately your physical health is intricately connected to your mind and 

soul, so dealing with one aspect of your
self invariably boosts other parts. And it’s exactly the point where acupuncture 

and alternative medicine methods
can be very helpfull.

Endocrine Disorders


Any disorder that affects the endocrine system.

A medical sign is an objective indication of some
medical fact or characteristic that may be detected by a
physician during a physical examination of a patient.

Signs may have no meaning for, or even be noticed by,
the patient, but may be full of meaning for the health care
provider, and are often significant in assisting a health
care provider in diagnosis of medical condition.

Respiratory Conditions

Most common Respiratory conditions


Asthma in children

URI (Upper Respiratory Infections)

Influenza (or flu)

Respiratory conditions can include a variety of problems, including colds, flu, runny noses,
and coughs. Most children will develop at least six to eight colds, or other respiratory illnesses
a year. This number may even be higher in children who attend daycare.

There are many different respiratory disorders that require clinical care of a physician and
alternative medicine  health care professional.

Gastrointestinal Conditions

A healthy digestive system processes the foods and
liquids that we eat, replenishing vitamins, minerals,
proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are vital for the
body to function properly. From time to time, infants and
children experience digestive conditions, such as
vomiting or diarrhea. Listed in the directory below are
some common digestive conditions in the growing child,
for which we have provided a brief overview.





Skin Conditions

The skin is the largest organ of the body, covering the entire body. As the outer protective
covering of the body, it is exposed to the environment, making it vulnerable to growths,
rashes, discolorations, cysts, burns, injuries, infections, and other disorders.

There are many common skin disorders that require the clinical care of a physician or other
health care professional. Listed in the directory below are some, effectively treated by
office specialists


Diaper Rash