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Doctor Maya Alishayeva MS, Dipl. AC., L.AC

National Board Certified Acupuncturis

Caring for the Growing Needs of Our Community.

These problems can be treated:

 In an official report, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the diseases that have
been clinically proven to be effectively treatable by acupuncture.  
•     neck pain
•     sciatica
•     tennis elbow
•     knee pain
•     arthritis
•     sprains
•     facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
•     headache
•     dental pain
•     tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
•     rheumatoid arthritis
•     induction of labor
•     correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation)
•     morning sickness
•     lower back pain
•     stroke
•     hypertension
•     hypotension
•     renal colic
•     leucopeni



•  adverse reactions to radiation
or chemotherapy (cancer)
•     allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
•     biliary colic
•     depression
•     dysentery
•     dysmenorrhea
•     epigastralgia
•     ulcer
•     gastritis
•     nausea and vomiting
•     postoperative pain
*The scope of this list shows that acupuncture is effective in treating a wide range of illnesses. In our
experience, acupuncture and exercise can treat a far wider range of ailments. Contact us if you would
like to inquire about treatment for a disorder not listed here or try to explore this site..
You can try to check it on yourself in our office – in most cases you will feel and look better  after just few visits or even few minutes.

It’s All about How
We Treat You

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